Source code for astropy.coordinates.transformations.affine

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

"""Affine coordinate transformations."""

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from astropy.coordinates.transformations.base import CoordinateTransform

__all__ = [

[docs] class BaseAffineTransform(CoordinateTransform): """Base class for common functionality between the ``AffineTransform``-type subclasses. This base class is needed because `~astropy.coordinates.AffineTransform` and the matrix transform classes share the ``__call__()`` method, but differ in how they generate the affine parameters. `~astropy.coordinates.StaticMatrixTransform` passes in a matrix stored as a class attribute, and both of the matrix transforms pass in ``None`` for the offset. Hence, user subclasses would likely want to subclass this (rather than `~astropy.coordinates.AffineTransform`) if they want to provide alternative transformations using this machinery. """ def _apply_transform(self, fromcoord, matrix, offset): from astropy.coordinates.representation import ( CartesianDifferential, RadialDifferential, SphericalCosLatDifferential, SphericalDifferential, UnitSphericalRepresentation, ) data = has_velocity = "s" in data.differentials # Bail out if no transform is actually requested if matrix is None and offset is None: return data # list of unit differentials _unit_diffs = ( SphericalDifferential._unit_differential, SphericalCosLatDifferential._unit_differential, ) unit_vel_diff = has_velocity and isinstance( data.differentials["s"], _unit_diffs ) rad_vel_diff = has_velocity and isinstance( data.differentials["s"], RadialDifferential ) # Some initial checking to short-circuit doing any re-representation if # we're going to fail anyways: if isinstance(data, UnitSphericalRepresentation) and offset is not None: raise TypeError( "Position information stored on coordinate frame " "is insufficient to do a full-space position " "transformation (representation class: {data.__class__})" ) if ( has_velocity and (unit_vel_diff or rad_vel_diff) and offset is not None and "s" in offset.differentials ): # Coordinate has a velocity, but it is not a full-space velocity # that we need to do a velocity offset raise TypeError( "Velocity information stored on coordinate frame is insufficient to do" " a full-space velocity transformation (differential class:" f" {data.differentials['s'].__class__})" ) if len(data.differentials) > 1: # We should never get here because the frame initializer shouldn't # allow more differentials, but this just adds protection for # subclasses that somehow skip the checks raise ValueError( "Representation passed to AffineTransform contains multiple associated" " differentials. Only a single differential with velocity units is" f" presently supported (differentials: {data.differentials})." ) # If the representation is a UnitSphericalRepresentation, and this is # just a MatrixTransform, we have to try to turn the differential into a # Unit version of the differential (if no radial velocity) or a # sphericaldifferential with zero proper motion (if only a radial # velocity) so that the matrix operation works if ( has_velocity and isinstance(data, UnitSphericalRepresentation) and not (unit_vel_diff or rad_vel_diff) ): # retrieve just velocity differential unit_diff = data.differentials["s"].represent_as( data.differentials["s"]._unit_differential, data ) data = data.with_differentials({"s": unit_diff}) # updates key # If it's a RadialDifferential, we flat-out ignore the differentials # This is because, by this point (past the validation above), we can # only possibly be doing a rotation-only transformation, and that # won't change the radial differential. We later add it back in elif rad_vel_diff: data = data.without_differentials() # Convert the representation and differentials to cartesian without # having them attached to a frame rep = data.to_cartesian() diffs = { k: diff.represent_as(CartesianDifferential, data) for k, diff in data.differentials.items() } rep = rep.with_differentials(diffs) # Only do transform if matrix is specified. This is for speed in # transformations that only specify an offset (e.g., LSR) if matrix is not None: # Note: this applies to both representation and differentials rep = rep.transform(matrix) # TODO: if we decide to allow arithmetic between representations that # contain differentials, this can be tidied up newrep = rep.without_differentials() if offset is not None: newrep += offset.without_differentials() # We need a velocity (time derivative) and, for now, are strict: the # representation can only contain a velocity differential and no others. if has_velocity and not rad_vel_diff: veldiff = rep.differentials["s"] # already in Cartesian form if offset is not None and "s" in offset.differentials: veldiff += offset.differentials["s"] newrep = newrep.with_differentials({"s": veldiff}) if isinstance(, UnitSphericalRepresentation): # Special-case this because otherwise the return object will think # it has a valid distance with the default return (a # CartesianRepresentation instance) if has_velocity and not unit_vel_diff and not rad_vel_diff: # We have to first represent as the Unit types we converted to, # then put the d_distance information back in to the # differentials and re-represent as their original forms newdiff = newrep.differentials["s"] _unit_cls =["s"]._unit_differential newdiff = newdiff.represent_as(_unit_cls, newrep) kwargs = {comp: getattr(newdiff, comp) for comp in newdiff.components} kwargs["d_distance"] =["s"].d_distance diffs = { "s": type(["s"])(copy=False, **kwargs) } elif has_velocity and unit_vel_diff: newdiff = newrep.differentials["s"].represent_as(["s"].__class__, newrep ) diffs = {"s": newdiff} else: diffs = newrep.differentials newrep = newrep.represent_as(type( elif has_velocity and unit_vel_diff: # Here, we're in the case where the representation is not # UnitSpherical, but the differential *is* one of the UnitSpherical # types. We have to convert back to that differential class or the # resulting frame will think it has a valid radial_velocity. This # can probably be cleaned up: we currently have to go through the # dimensional version of the differential before representing as the # unit differential so that the units work out (the distance length # unit shouldn't appear in the resulting proper motions) diff_cls =["s"].__class__ newrep = newrep.represent_as( type(, diff_cls._dimensional_differential ).represent_as(type(, diff_cls) # We pulled the radial differential off of the representation # earlier, so now we need to put it back. But, in order to do that, we # have to turn the representation into a repr that is compatible with # having a RadialDifferential if has_velocity and rad_vel_diff: newrep = newrep.represent_as( newrep = newrep.with_differentials({"s":["s"]}) return newrep
[docs] def __call__(self, fromcoord, toframe): params = self._affine_params(fromcoord, toframe) newrep = self._apply_transform(fromcoord, *params) return toframe.realize_frame(newrep)
@abstractmethod def _affine_params(self, fromcoord, toframe): pass
[docs] class AffineTransform(BaseAffineTransform): """ A coordinate transformation specified as a function that yields a 3 x 3 cartesian transformation matrix and a tuple of displacement vectors. See `~astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` for an example. Parameters ---------- transform_func : callable A callable that has the signature ``transform_func(fromcoord, toframe)`` and returns: a (3, 3) matrix that operates on ``fromcoord`` in a Cartesian representation, and a ``CartesianRepresentation`` with (optionally) an attached velocity ``CartesianDifferential`` to represent a translation and offset in velocity to apply after the matrix operation. fromsys : class The coordinate frame class to start from. tosys : class The coordinate frame class to transform into. priority : float or int The priority if this transform when finding the shortest coordinate transform path - large numbers are lower priorities. register_graph : `~astropy.coordinates.TransformGraph` or None A graph to register this transformation with on creation, or `None` to leave it unregistered. Raises ------ TypeError If ``transform_func`` is not callable """ def __init__(self, transform_func, fromsys, tosys, priority=1, register_graph=None): if not callable(transform_func): raise TypeError("transform_func is not callable") self.transform_func = transform_func super().__init__( fromsys, tosys, priority=priority, register_graph=register_graph ) def _affine_params(self, fromcoord, toframe): return self.transform_func(fromcoord, toframe)
[docs] class StaticMatrixTransform(BaseAffineTransform): """ A coordinate transformation defined as a 3 x 3 cartesian transformation matrix. This is distinct from DynamicMatrixTransform in that this kind of matrix is independent of frame attributes. That is, it depends *only* on the class of the frame. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like or callable A 3 x 3 matrix for transforming 3-vectors. In most cases will be unitary (although this is not strictly required). If a callable, will be called *with no arguments* to get the matrix. fromsys : class The coordinate frame class to start from. tosys : class The coordinate frame class to transform into. priority : float or int The priority if this transform when finding the shortest coordinate transform path - large numbers are lower priorities. register_graph : `~astropy.coordinates.TransformGraph` or None A graph to register this transformation with on creation, or `None` to leave it unregistered. Raises ------ ValueError If the matrix is not 3 x 3 """ def __init__(self, matrix, fromsys, tosys, priority=1, register_graph=None): if callable(matrix): matrix = matrix() self.matrix = np.array(matrix) if self.matrix.shape != (3, 3): raise ValueError("Provided matrix is not 3 x 3") super().__init__( fromsys, tosys, priority=priority, register_graph=register_graph ) def _affine_params(self, fromcoord, toframe): return self.matrix, None
[docs] class DynamicMatrixTransform(BaseAffineTransform): """ A coordinate transformation specified as a function that yields a 3 x 3 cartesian transformation matrix. This is similar to, but distinct from StaticMatrixTransform, in that the matrix for this class might depend on frame attributes. Parameters ---------- matrix_func : callable A callable that has the signature ``matrix_func(fromcoord, toframe)`` and returns a 3 x 3 matrix that converts ``fromcoord`` in a cartesian representation to the new coordinate system. fromsys : class The coordinate frame class to start from. tosys : class The coordinate frame class to transform into. priority : float or int The priority if this transform when finding the shortest coordinate transform path - large numbers are lower priorities. register_graph : `~astropy.coordinates.TransformGraph` or None A graph to register this transformation with on creation, or `None` to leave it unregistered. Raises ------ TypeError If ``matrix_func`` is not callable """ def __init__(self, matrix_func, fromsys, tosys, priority=1, register_graph=None): if not callable(matrix_func): raise TypeError("matrix_func is not callable") self.matrix_func = matrix_func super().__init__( fromsys, tosys, priority=priority, register_graph=register_graph ) def _affine_params(self, fromcoord, toframe): return self.matrix_func(fromcoord, toframe), None